Best Destinations for Bloggers in 2022
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Best Destinations for Bloggers in 2022

You’re reading this article because you want to find a perfect place to settle for a while to work on your blog. It means that you are:

  • about to start a blog,
  • you have recently started your blog, or
  • you’re an established blogger.
Agness blogging at the beach in the Maldives. Seems like a dream job, right?  

In all of the above situations – even though your experience level differs – your needs are very similar. You need a place where:

  • the internet is fast and reliable,
  • it’s relatively cheap (since you can work from anywhere, go somewhere you can afford a decent living),
  • there are other bloggers around (so you can network and learn from each other),
  • you don’t have to explain to everyone around that you aren’t unemployed, you don’t need help finding a “real” job, and you don’t have unlimited time because you don’t work 9 to 5 (sorry for the angry voice – it’s not like I’ve had enough of explaining myself).

I’ve been traveling and blogging since 2011, together with my blogging partner (Agness), and we’ve been to some of the best blogger hotspots, while we also heard from our fellow bloggers about other and upcoming digital nomad destinations for 2019

Here you’ll find a list of best places to work on your blog in 2019:

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Surrounded with culture, beauty and other like-minded travelers, Chiang Mai, is the most popular digital nomad destination. There are many reasons why this is such a great hotspot for bloggers, but the main draws are the fact that it’s cheap, it’s safe, it’s peaceful and the locals are some of the friendliest people you could ever wish to meet. Spend your days exploring golden-roofed temples and the old city walls, head out into the jungle for an unforgettable trekking experience, or simply work together with all the other bloggers in the Camp at the Maya Shopping Mall.

Advantages of blogging from Chiang Mai

  • Very low cost of living (monthly rent $200-$500)
  • Good weather (easier to stay positive and no need to spend money on winter clothing)
  • Probably the highest concentration of digital nomads in the world
  • Plenty of things to do in the city and around
Welcome to Chiang Mai – the most popular digital nomad destination.

Disadvantages of blogging from Chiang Mai

  • Cliche (everyone goes there)
  • Need to do a visa-run every 30 days (leave the country and come back to start a new 30-day visa-free period)
  • Not a great place for kids as they may miss out on lack of Western education standards
  • Very expensive and less advanced emergency/health services (less advanced than most Western countries)

Mykonos, Greece

With inspirational beaches, peaceful tavernas and a buzzing nightlife, the Cyclades island of Mykonos offers the perfect blend of ‘work hard, play hard’. Hire a private villa with a good Wi-Fi connection, some stunning views and a pool to reward yourself with after a day of writing. With its white-washed architecture, traditional windmills and golden shores, Mykonos is über Insta-worthy too; making it a perfect spot for any blogger, or a family holiday.

Mykonos offers the perfect blend of ‘work hard, play hard’.

Advantages of blogging from Mykanos

  • Beautiful and inspiring scenery
  • Fast and reliable internet
  • Greece is part of the European Union (fair and easy visa process, protection of the law)
  • Good emergency/health services (and free for citizens of European Union)

Disadvantages of blogging from Mykanos

  • Pretty expensive compared to other entries on this list
  • Seasonal pricing (high-peak season results in price increases)

Tallinn, Estonia

Did you know that Estonia is one of the most digitally developed countries in Europe, if not the world? It was even the first country to declare internet access to be a human right. Well, there’s one of your main reasons to visit right there. Aside from the Estonians’ views on technology, Tallinn itself is an exciting city, well worth exploring. Bursting with history and surrounded by beaches, you’ll never be short of material to write about.

Historical Tallinn.

Advantages of blogging from Tallinn

  • Low cost of living
  • Estonia is part of the European Union (fair and easy visa process, protection of the law)
  • Good emergency/health services (and free for citizens of European Union)
  • Highly developed infrastructure for digital nomads (including very advantageous taxation and first ever e-residency for digital nation)
YouTube video

Disadvantage of blogging from Tallinn

  • Very cold winters (I find it an disadvantage but you may think otherwise)

Cape Town, South Africa

The gateway to many of the most incredible experiences in southern Africa, Cape Town has to make it on the list for the top blogger hotspots of 2019. Boasting breath-taking landscapes to rival any other, you’ll find yourself captivated by Table Mountain sunrises and Boulders Beach sunsets shared with a colony of African penguins. It’s a remarkable city with a culture and lifestyle that, on visiting, will surely win you over.

Table Mountain sunrises and Boulders Beach sunsets of Cape Town.

Advantages of blogging from Cape Town

  • Cost of living is relatively low (apart from the rent which may get pricey)
  • It’s a great base to explore Africa

Disadvantages of blogging from Cape Town

  • Safety may be a concern in certain areas, but don’t let media scare you

Where else would you recommend to move to work on the blog?

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